The 8025 ZTS / 8025 ZTSLC has a 2806kg / 2833kg operating weight, meaning you can move it from site to site using low-cost readily-available transport methods. A powerful 1.5 litre Perkins 3-cylinder 20.9 kW engine is mounted to a stable undercarriage that’s carefully matched to the dig envelope for optimum performance and added safety. The undercarriage and dozer blade on this JCB mini excavator is designed to ensure that debris doesn’t build up underneath or in front of the machine to slow you down.
A two-speed tracking motor provides a top tracking speed of 4.3kph as well as excellent tractive effort and traction. The 8025 compact excavator also has single-acting auxiliary pipework as standard; additional tie down points make it easier to strap the machine onto trailers; and rubber tracks are offered as standard.